Augmented Reality development

Augmented Reality brings many new possibilities for enhancing real world objects with rich multimedia content. One of its main features is an overlay of 3D or 2D visualizations above real picture to build comprehensive virtual “bridges” between times and people.

How can it be put into practice?
We can reconstruct historical monuments that haven’t preserved physically until today and locate them right on the place where they used to stand in the past. Or just anywhere you’d like them to be.
Similarly, ruined parts of historical objects can be reconstructed and carefully merged with elements that still exist to create a full image.

How to deliver this to your audience?
Our AR experiences use mobile devices for demonstration of augmented reality content to ensure the widest audience reach for all your AR stories. People can see reconstructed objects on their screens, read or listen commentary and take snapshots of an object.

Who can profit?
AR is an unparalleled first-choice tool for museums to communicate their educational AR experiences based on 3D reconstructions of historical artifacts to make visiting much more comprehensive and exciting, especially for younger audience.

WebAR 3D

WebAR 3D reconstruction

On the basis of old photograph and 3D scanning of partly preserved elements we created 3D reconstruction of one of the most inspiring door portals in Old Riga.


3D AR app

Latvia Inside – AR 3D historical app

Development of AR location-based service for Latvian historical monuments and art projects.



We offer:

– 3D reconstruction of historical objects

– Development of AR (augmented reality) apps

– WebAR solutions for app-less experiences

– Game based AR solutions for education & entertainment

– Creating of AR characters